Monday, October 14, 2013

10/14/13 Susquehanna Brewing Company Pumpkin Ale

Its been a while since the last time I wrote. Yes I have been lazy but that is mainly because I have been busy with other stuff and all this week I work early so I have some time to write at night (hopefully). So tonight I decided to try a Susquehanna Brewing Company Pumpkin Ale. I had gotten it from one of my co workers last week and haven't had a chance to drink it yet so I figured tonight was as goood of a night as any. Sadly I did not make it to trivia tonight so I won't have any information about how that went. 
Onto the review. My first taste came in at a temperature of 47.2 degrees with an average head of 1/2" in a pint glass. The pour was nice with a fizzy off white head that dissipated quickly and had virtually no head lacing. The beer had a medium carbonation and a flat clarity with an orange body color. The aroma was spicy and the flavor was pumpkin pie. The flavor was light and easy to drink with an average finish length and a watery mouth feel. The tongue hit was towards the back and there was virtually no body lacing. Overall I would rate this as a decent representation of  a pumpkin ale. It wasn't to crazy and it went down easily. If your new to pumpkin beers this would be a great one to start with. Thanks for reading and as always drink responsibly.

Glassware: Pint
Cost: Free from coworker
Pairings: Desert or Poultry
Servce Temp: 45-50 degrees

Information from Susquehanna Brewing Company website

Susquehanna Brewing Company’s Pumpkin Ale combines rich crystal and fine 2-row malts with natural pumpkin, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and perhaps a secret spice or two to create this seasonal treat.  It is full of flavor yet very drinkable at 4.8% alcohol by volume.