Last night after a long day of driving I decided to sit back I have my three slices of Domino's pizza and pair it with Saranac's Bohemian Pilsener. I had two slices of mushroom and a slice of pineapple. The beer paired very nicely with the pizza. I personally always like a lighter colored beer with pizza. This beer poured a huge head that dissipated to about a 1 1/2 inch to 2 inch off white frothy head and held very nicely with excellent head lacing. In my opinion I would say it has a somewhat wheat and floral aroma to it. The body had a sparkling clarity and a beautiful yellow color with a soft carbonation. There was a slight hint of bitterness but nothing to overpowering I would liken it to what I can remember of the taste of a Heineken. My mouth had a nice watery feel to it and I would say that it had hit my tongue more to the back to middle. After a long day this made my night and I would recommend trying this beer and I give it a rating of B+ for the light to moderate flavor in a light colored beer(that is a good thing in my opinion). That is two out of the six beers of winter reviewed. I haven't decided if I am going to do my next review tomorrow or on Monday because of going to a Halloween Party tonight. I am looking forward to my next beer and as always thanks for reading and please drink responsibly. Below is information I got from the Saranac website and the pictures I took.
Bohemian Pilsener
Availability: 12 Beers of Winter 2011
Brewers Notes:
Saranac Bohemian Pilsener is a medium bodied Pilsener crafted like the original Pilseners of Czechoslovakia. Brewed with the finest Pilsener malt and Saaz hops, you will find this beer has a crisp, clean taste and leaves you wanting another. Enjoy!
Beer Style: Bohemian Pilsener
Malt Selections: Pilsener
Hop Selections: Saaz
Color: Straw
Mouthfeel / Body: Medium
Food Companions: Fried or Broiled Seafood, Lamb, Beef
Alcohol By Volume: 4.8%
Original Gravity: 12